Howlite Crystal Worry Stone - Althaea Soul

White Howlite Worry Stone

$9.95 AUD

Colour : white + grey or black veins 

Chakra : crown + root

Element : earth

Affirmation :
 I have control over how I feel today, and I choose happiness

Best for : soothing + patience + restful sleep

Howlite is a beautiful stone that represents the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness.

Howlite is a stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with ones root and crown chakras. This is a unique combination, with Howlite opening up portals of entry on opposite points of the etheric body.

Your root chakra becomes fully connected to Mother Earth and all the energy she provides, while staying in direct contact with your higher self.

With soothing and calming properties, this beautiful crystal helps with anger, anxiety and heightened emotions.

This stone can be used to release attachments linking us to old emotional pain from this life or past lives.

Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge.  It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. 

A calming stone, Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression.

A trait not often spoken about is Howlites ability to fully help one cope and heal from trauma, grief, mourning, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Aside from bringing ones inner strength to the forefront during this time, it also helps one slowly rebuild their emotional body.

During times of distress, Howlite grounds all of our energy and allows our mind to maintain a sense of clarity.

This stone can also calm and soothe to bring about a night of deep and restful sleep.

A worry stone is a beautiful (and small) tool for stress and anxiety relief. Combining the gorgeous energy of the crystals they're crafted from with the mindfulness practice of rubbing the stones indented surface with your thumb, the use of worry stones for soothing the soul has ties to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) practices and instils a sense of calm and relaxation.

Gently rub the stone in any way that feels the most natural to you. Imagine the stone absorbing uneasy thoughts and feelings, grounding and calming as you refocus your energies back into the present moment.

Each piece is intuitively selected; you will receive a White Howlite Worry Stone of similar size and colouring to those pictured. 

Caring For Crystals

Read our guide on how to best care for your crystals here

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